Saturday, July 14, 2012

Shod your feet!!!

Stand therefore... Having Shod your feet with preparation of the gospel of peace Ephesians 6:14-15

So lately, I've been trying to pay more attention to the way God talks to me through the little things, and how He wants to teach me lessons through the everyday simple tasks that I usually would pay no mind to...
I was shopping today and I happened to find this super cute pair of pink shoes for only $3.99, yes 4 bucks I paid!!!
Last Wednesday my pastor was talking about peace and gave out a few scriptures that I had heard before but I've been meditating on more deeply this week...
One of them is the passage on the armor of God. Ephesians 6
Verse 15 says: shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace...
I've always known the importance of the word of God in every are of my life but I realized that a clear knowledge of the gospel brings us to a life of security. When you and I go in depth to know, live and WALK the gospel of peace, our foot steps are protected (shod your feet) against the attacks of the devil.
Have you ever woken up in the middle of the night and not paying attention you bump your little toe with the edge of the bed??? At that moment your entire body goes into shock and nearly collapses not being able to contain the pain that this little toe just went through, and your spirituality is tested with all the thoughts that come to your mind. Its not funny until days later when your toe has healed and you remember how little you felt. At that very moment, you had no protection on your foot, you were vulnerable!!!
We need to prepare ourselves mentally to withstand the mindset of this world. The best way that the Lord teaches us to stay strong is getting to know him deeper...

Another scripture I'm reminded of is: So then faith comes by hearing and hearing by THE WORD OF GOD Romans 10:17
Again I'm reminded how important the word of God is for me to stand strong, and have a good foundation.

Conclusion: Without the Word = a clear knowledge of the gospel of peace, we are vulnerable and weak to withstand the attacks of the devil.
Goal for this week:
Let's get deeper... In the word.

This is the pair of shoes I got!!! I'm so excited, I can't wait to wear them.